Can the Sun Enhance Auction Results?

Properties sell for higher prices on sunny days, according to research from UTS. It states that selling a home via auction on sunny days can increase the sales price by 1%. That may not sound impressive at first, but if your home is valued at $1,500,000, a 1% rise is another $15,000 in your pocket!

It‘s believed that sunshine stimulates the senses; lifting our spirits and producing a sense of optimism.  This could explain why buyers on sunny days are more confident to offer one or two more extra bids! 

Stimulating the senses at your Open Home Inspection could have a similar effect.  Always ensure your home presents beautifully clean and tidy and the natural light is maximised.  A gently scented candle or background music could further enhance the feeling of a calm and happy home environment.

We can’t always guarantee the sun will shine at your auction but we do know with the right preparation, great prices can be achieved come rain, hail or shine.