Is winter a good time to sell?

In our opinion, every season has its pros and cons and great prices can be achieved at any time of the year.

The more important question homeowners should be asking is, will I gain or lose by waiting? If you can’t answer this question, our advice is to speak to your local, trusted agent who can explain the current market conditions that will impact your decision. For example, if the market is starting to cool (prices stagnating or dropping) it could be prudent to sell now rather than later. Conversely, if the market is growing, it could be worth waiting a little longer.

Three Advantages of Selling in Winter

Less Competition

The number of properties listed on the market drops considerably in winter. This is because homeowners believe the myth that spring and summer are better times to sell. This is simply not true unless you are selling a home with a spectacular garden that can only be fully appreciated in full bloom. Winter provides the advantage of a much less competitive environment.

Motivated Buyers

Buyers willing to battle the rain and cold to attend Open Homes are definitely motivated and keen to secure a new home. Motivated buyers plus fewer properties on the market often results in higher prices.

Emotion Sells

Who doesn’t want to feel cosy and snug at home? Winter provides a wonderful opportunity to create a warm and inviting environment to showcase your property. Crank up the heating and highlight gas or wood-fire heaters, if you have them. Transform dark, winter days into cosy havens by turning on lamps and ensuring warm light bulbs have replaced any harsh cold light. If your home is particularly dark, place mirrors opposite windows to open up the space. Adding texture with rugs, cushions and woollen throws on beds and couches will add to the warm, nurturing atmosphere. If you need to refresh walls, a beautiful feature wall using deep, rich tones such as charcoal or navy would amp up the drama and winter magic. Be sure to have clean windows, clear gutters and regularly sweep away fallen leaves to give a great first impression.

The decision to sell should first and foremost work towards improving your financial growth. The timing of your sale will always reflect your personal needs and circumstances but this decision should take market trends into consideration so that you have full control and avoid financial pressure forcing your hand later. Start a relationship with a trusted local expert, to ensure you are informed.