Spring has arrived and we are being asked these Questions

1. If prices are expected to fall over the next 6 months, why shouldn’t I wait 6 months to buy a property?

Our answer is, if you see something you like today, go for it because you may not find another home that meets your needs for a long time due to low stock levels. Property prices may fall a little in the short term but if you are buying a home to keep for 5-10 years, as most homeowners do, then this should not impact your investment over the longterm.

2. Will Spring be the big selling season as normal?

Spring usually sets the scene for a brisk increase in the number of properties listed for sale. We don’t believe this will happen in 2020 and suspect that stock levels will remain low throughout the year.

3. Are we heading toward a cliff when job keeper/seeker reduces and mortgage relief ends at the end of the month?

We don’t believe we are heading over a cliff locally and do not expect to see too many stress sales hit the market over the coming months.