Too Good to be True…

My father always told me, if something looks too good to be true, then it probably is!  This adage came to mind whilst reviewing the ‘cheaper’ on-line platforms, now available to sell your home. 

Understandably, sellers will be attracted to the cost saving claims of these new players and subsequent calls to ditch the traditional real estate agent and their commission rates!  However, as cheap is rarely best, it would be prudent of would be Sellers to investigate these claims and services thoroughly and with detailed care before making any commitment. 

Whilst researching, understand that price and value are very different; price is what you pay whilst value is what you will gain.  Achieving excellent value for your hard earned money is at the heart of the matter; especially when selling your family home and probably your largest asset.

A real estate agent is not just a conduit to sell your property – they undeniably add value to the process and final price.  An excellent Real Estate Agent is a local, trusted specialist who will work hard to ensure their clients achieve the best price available.  They will understand the profile of buyers in your area and will have a database of potential buyers with requirements matching the home you are selling.  They will have earned the right to practice in your area by delivering a professional service and achieving outstanding results through the highs and lows of the property cycle.    An excellent agent is a professional who can design a marketing strategy specifically for your property and can provide advice on all aspects of the buying and selling process.   

Follow the link to read seven questions to ask a real estate agent.