Top 5 Tips for Working from Home

1. Establish a dedicated space for work. A spare room is ideal but not often available, especially when sharing valuable workspace with a partner and the kids!

2. Set a defined timetable. This will create a healthy boundary between work and home life and is essential for your effective output and sanity. If you are relegated to working in a multipurpose space such as the dining table or kitchen bench, this will be even more important.

3. Follow daily rituals. For example, start the day with a to do list to help establish a sense of purpose, keeps tasks on track and maintain focus.

4. Acknowledge distractions. They are inevitable so be realistic and/or creative when looking for ways to minimize them. Be kind to yourself here and allow for adjustment time.

5. Organize your tasks in time blocks; research shows that we work best in 45-minute bursts. Take regular breaks throughout the day preferably outside in the garden or balcony. Make sure you enjoy a walk outside every day.

Structure, discipline and routine will help guide your new normal. Accept that it may take time to find your rhythm and remember to be kind to yourself. Enjoy living simply, spending extra time with your housemates and family and learning new and creative ways to achieve your goals.