Day 7 – Bringing It Together

Congratulations you made it to our final Day! This is where we pull it all together and provide you with some tools created to support our topics. Thank you so much for being a part of our Week of Wellness. It has been pure joy to deliver this to our community. The intention was to share some useful information over the lockdown period that may assist you or someone you know to navigate through periods of uncertainty.

Perhaps you may have noticed that it took me slightly longer than 7 days to complete our 7 Days of Wellness, but hey I’m no longer striving for perfection!

Let us recap on what we covered together.

Day 1 – What Is Really Happening When We Sleep?

Day 2 – Creating Your Daily Routine & Rituals

Day 3 – Thinking About Your Thinking

Day 4 – Getting Granular With Emotions

Day 5 – Perspective Shifters

Day 6 – Look At The State Of You!

Day 7 – Pulling It All Together – Free Resources and Yoga Brochure

Yoga Really Is For Every Body

In line with our State Management Topic I have prepared a booklet called Yoga for Every Body – featuring 3 gentle yoga poses for our community. This brochure is designed with you in mind. It can support the Topics of Day 1, 5 & 7 well basically all of the topics really. The postures I have chosen you do most days anyway; lying, standing and elevating your legs (well maybe not everyday!) now you can say you do yoga! Please don’t run away at the mere mention of Yoga and if you did I wouldn’t blame you. Yoga is really for everyone, it is not all gym tights and posing on beaches.

You don’t need to know or have any former practice of yoga. Do these at home, in nature, at a friends place and still reap the benefits of yoga in your life. Don’t take my word for it have a quick look at the brochure in the link below. Use it as part of your daily routines, stabilising emotions, before sleep, accessing a new state or just to get out of your head and in to your body.

Yoga for Every Body

LINK – Yoga for Every Body

By initiating a state of relaxation and quieting our nervous system and physiological functioning we free up energy. Tension drains from muscles governed by the autonomic nervous system, giving us access to the energy formerly locked up. That’s why we feel refreshed after a relaxation exercise. We can also use this newly available energy to move us beyond our normal awareness, to free us from our defenses, to give us access to the unconscious, and to allow the creative aspect of our being to awaken.

Yoga International

I have also created some PDF’s such as a Sleep Tracker Work Sheet, Thought Diary, Emotional Reflection, AM & PM Routines, Daily Reflection, State Regulation to support our topics. Please email me if you would like a copy or alternatively keep checking in as I am not sure how to attach the pdfs on this blog but when I figure it out I will post. I don’t want to delay the final post. I will also put it all together in one booklet so email me if you would like to receive (this is not a sales ploy!!).

Once again, thank you for letting me in to your inbox during this lock down period. I have received some really positive feedback from you and for that I thank you. I hope at least some of this information has been useful to you or someone you know. Please feel free to distribute to anyone that may need a little support. This has been a labour of love for me and I do so with a grateful heart.

Always moving forward.

Stay well.


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