NPS Score surpasses expectations

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our survey!

A lot has happened since we last caught up.  I hope that you and your families managed to navigate the latest Covid onslaught and you have rebounded with gusto! 

A giant personal thank you to everyone that responded to our Nett Promoter Survey (NPS).  I know these surveys can be a bit of a pain but without your feedback and constructive comments we are merely guessing at whether we are achieving the highest level of service and support that we hold ourselves to. 

I am so proud of the results and comments our team received, in fact I’m tickled pink.  After eighteen years in business it is the small but important details that combined create something really special from a group of truly dedicated people. It’s this stuff that help you sleep at night!  To be honest Emma and I deliberated whether to send it out this time knowing that some of our clients would have better things to think about under the current circumstances, but we dived in and “pressed go” because we didn’t want to make excuses.  One of the significant take outs was how happy our tenants are.  With record numbers of responses from tenants we scored equally well from both Landlords and Tenants. 

As you know a happy tenant means a healthy asset!  Everyone is important in this space.

A huge thank you to our talented team Emma, Kylie, Jason and Eimear.  These guys are relentless! Special mention to our newest team member Eimear who has thrown herself right in and managed to keep up with the pace.

Remember, you will always find us at the Intersection of Real Life and Real Estate.

Always moving forward x


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